Commissioning and corrective actions at Riser Block Platform
Category | Completed |
Construction facility | Riser Unit Platform of 1st phase of V. Filanovsky oilfield |
General customer | “Lukoil Nizhnevolzhskneft” OOO |
Start | 2016 April |
Finish | October 2016 |
List of performed operations:
Overhaul, installation and commissioning of the Riser Unit systems including the following functional units:
- HVAC system
- Heating system
- Fire control system (water, gas, foam fire systems)
- Nitrogen and pressed air system
- Steam supply system
- Life-saving floats (lifesaving appliances system)
- Utility fresh water system
- Hazardous sub drainage system
- Hazardous open drainage system
- HP/ VP flare system
- Condensate system
- Gas lift system